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2025 feels like it’s about time to just blinking go for it!
Tomorrow’s not written. Now is all there is.
(RIP @davidlynchfoundation)
I’ve always wanted to learn #Gilding #Metallic #goldleaf as I admire the work of real experts like @goldinmycoffee.
Hopefully I can successfully employ this technique over what has been so far a tricky chair to complete.
Give me a worthy chair to develop the technique and I’ll do it (and you) proud! I love creating #bespoke #upholstery #atelierrayclarke #craft #upholstery #london

Would you like to learn some new craft or upholstery skills in 2025?

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I was delighted to receive a surprise visit yesterday from my long-time friend and fellow artisan upholsterer, @joonafab, who is in Paris for #parisdecooff.

It’s always a pleasure to exchange stories about our experiences in the craft and share useful tips and hints. I’d love to visit the US sometime to experience their approach to the craft and trade.

Be sure to check out @joonafab`s wonderful drapery, soft furnishings, and upholstered furniture and give her a follow!

I`m also considering charging a small fee for studio open days—would you be interested in coming?

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This slipper chair came to me from @chaseerwinfabrics with a brief to feature 2 different fabrics, one on the seat and one on the inside back, refurbishing the existing fillings.

The thing is, that once I began working on it I could see that the suspension springs and fillings were in such a terrible state that I had no choice but to strip it right back on the seat and start from the frame upwards, keeping what I could of the existing upholstery on the inside back.

Once I had started rewebbing and fitting the springs I could see from the curved shape of the frame that the display of both fabrics could not have worked at all on this chair.

So I went tor fully traditional spring, stitched and stuffed seat and back but using the second fabric as an accent in the piping detail and also as a fitted bottoming cloth.

As this had to be ready for #ParisDeco and timing was running out before collection. I did end pulling 2 all-nighters back to back (with about 4 hours sleep) in between. Not advisable but with Christmas and new year shaping up the way it did I didn`t have any choice.
Anyways- I managed to finish in time with mintutes to spare before courier collection.
I hope it looks great on the stand. Hopefully I receive more pics soon!

Have you ever pulled all-nighters to ensure you get your customers project complete? How did you recover?

My thanks to @jacobmorrish for the assist.

#Bespoke #slipperchair #ChaseErwin #ParisDeco

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Happy belated New Year Good people of Instagram. Hope you all enjoyed a great Christmas & New year!
2025 has begun with me catching the flu. Not ideal as I have 4 projects to complete with 2 hard deadlines by the end of this week!
I worked very late last night on these plinths for @chaseerwinfabrics Which will be accompanied by a slipper chair i’m also reupholstering, due to be shipped off to @parisdecohomeofficial next week. I’m resting temporarily for the next few hours as I need all my strength to get this over the line for later this week. Thanks to @cableandblake for the new Tangerine wool Baker boy keeping my head all snuggly!
Hopefully i’ll feel stronger by mid-week.
Any recommended cold/flu remedies are very welcome. Look after yourselves out there and love to you all! Rxx #atelierrayclarke #upholstery #bespoke #london #craft

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I just wanted to take this moment to say I Love you all and Thank you so much for all your custom and support.
I won`t lie I didn`t manage to complete all I wanted to (with 2 projects outstanding )before Christmas hit)
But I won`t try to beat myself up about it - Like you, I’ve worked bloody ‘ard this year and they`ll be the first pieces off the bench in ‘25!
In the meantime My heart-felt thanks go out to @the_upholstery_cabin for doing so much and leading the charge at times with @sit_on_this_workshops.
There`s so much more content coming out- but in the meantime I need to rest, recharge, plan and revise, perhaps learn one or two apps during the break…
see you all on the other side folks! Big Love and Hugs to you all!!Rxxxxxx

#Gratitude #Christmas #love #to #you #all #happychristmas #atelierrayclarke #bespoke #upholstery #softfurnishings #design #London #SitonThis!

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My heartfelt thanks go out to:@shoreditchdesignrooms and @londonmetuni For assisting me in co-hosting My first of what I hope will become many AMUSF Student & Member social events held up and down the country.

Our special thanks to @whiteley1760 For supporting the AMUSF by donating 2 of their amazing upholstery scissors for our Raffle/Tomboola which were won by 2 students whom attended.
Sorry for the late posting of this event folks(meant to do it last month but We’ve all been mad busy of late!😉)
Anyways, Many thanks again to all and lets do this again in ‘25 (hopefully near you!)
Big Hugs to you all and have a lovely Christmas! Rxxx
#Student #Social #Events #upholstery #Softfurnishings #tombolla #prizes #whiteleyandsons #shears #community

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in this universe!….. ...

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My customer first saw me on a recent repeat of an episode of the @monfornothing TV show. It’s amazing since I first appeared on that show: it’s the gift that keeps on giving! Massive thanks and best wishes to all @frielkeanfilms.
Anyways.. after seeing me on that My customer had a pair of antique carvers sent down to my studio in a pretty sorry looking state.

I spent an age chemically peeling, sanding and creating a custom spirit-based woodstain , sealing and then lightly buffed up with layers of beeswax , bringing out the true character within the wood.

A great fabric consultation with my customer resulted in a decision to go for one of my favourite sustainable fabrics chosen for its joy and use of colour:
The fantastic #baranquilla , a post 2nd world war textile design by #joseffrank exclusively from those wonderful perveyors of “Swedish Pewter” Fabrics, furnishings and Homewares @svenskttenn

I went for as sustainable fillings as I could, using rubberised hair and #ultraflex foam (made from recycled plastic ) sitting on top of hessian & brand new jumbo elastic webbing and an inside back pad, using rubberised hair and just alittle CMHR (Chemically modified High Resilience) Foam , all wrapped in Recycled Polyester skin wadding and a woolsafe barriercloth, all supplied by those Absolute Gods of Upholstery supplies @martinsuph .

These stunners now feel as Firm & supportive and comfortable as they are joyful colourful and riotous. At the end of this month they’ll be travelling to their new home in #Greece where my customers have emigrated to. I hope to visit them next year (and get some sun/colour in these cheeks!)

Have a bright and colourful weekend peeps Rxx
#Atelierrayclarke #Modern #bespoke #upholstery #sustainable #Carver #Chairs #Svenskttenn #JosefFrank #London #Reupholstery #Monfornothing

Can these chairs be anymore colourful?

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What a week its been. In just over the past week I attended the Annual AGM of @the_amusf by the end I was found to be gobsmacked as well as unanimously elected President of the @the_amusf.
I am deeply grateful, moved and honoured to be given the privilege to support encourage and represent all past , current and future members of this 77-year old institution. I’ll probably run myself ragged trying to get out to all the events and all the awards ceremonies I can manage, but with your help and support I hope to rise to the appointment successfully.

my thanks to the other board members for their faith and support.

Like everything I do- I’ll do my best!
#President #elect #AMUSF #Upholstery #softfurnishings #craft

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Feeling very sluggish today. Think I need more vitamin D & K2.. A bit slow out of the blocks after a mammoth weekend stitching and stuffing.

What sort of supplements are all you creatives taking to boost your energy and focus?
(Asking for a friend😜!)

Anyways.. This #LouisXV style couch is shaping up.. Looking smart in @romo_fabrics #Linara (Colour #Goldfinch)

Have a great week xx
#upholstery #atelierrayclarke #bespoke #london #craft #traditional #

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Totally feeling @meganforbesinteriors comments earlier (check out and follow her wonderful work!) When you’re working alone at times it can be really hard to stay focused and on job, with good and not so great distractions around you. (last weekend for instance we(myself and my neighbours had an attempted break in!) Thankfully nothing was stolen but It’s stressful when you are doing yo’ thang and some filthy “Skagheads” want to rip off what you’ve spent years building.
My thanks to our landlord who have upgraded the locks and added additional shielding for the Hinge and “Staple”: a Locksmiths term (apparently) for the steel half loop the padlock fits through.
Makes me wonder how many other “toolbox”terms our craft and trade shares with other trades… anyways I’m getting distracted again!
I’m alittle nearer to finishing this Louis XV couch. Let’s see how far I can get this weekend - hopefully without any more stress!
#upholstery #atelierrayclarke #bespoke #london #atelier #craft #traditional

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Episode 6 of our @sit_on_this_workshops Podcast is available to listen to NOW on @applepodcasts and @spotify. Have a listen and We’d love it if you could leave your comments and suggestions! #AMUSF #upholstery #softfurnishings #Training #courses #atelierrayclarke #TheUpholsteryCabin #Furniture ...

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